The newst edition (Summer 2009) of the GLD newsletter interaktiv is now on-line. It is available in the newsletter archive of our website. Click on Summer 2009. Content:
- Neue deutsche Rechtschreibung. Mythos und Wahrheit – Teil 1 by Dagmar Jenner
- GLD Website Makeover by Michael Wahlster
- Bachelor und Master in Graz – Was steckt in und hinter den neuen Studienplänen? by Florika Grießner
- Translators in Profile: Astra Van Heest
- Can You Certify My Translation? from Jill Sommer’s Blog
- Featured On The GLD List by Michael J. Engley
Thank you to:
- The editorial team Astra Van Heest, Roland Grefer, Rainer Klett, and Gerhard Preisser
- The proofreaders Janice Becker and Susanne van Eyl
- Katrin Rippel for the layout